Change your story

Depth-oriented therapy to help you live authentically and get out of your own way

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You are never “enough” in your own eyes – “successful” enough, “attractive” enough, “intelligent” enough, “outgoing” enough, “self-disciplined” enough, __________ enough (fill in the blank).

  • You beat yourself up for your screw-ups, thinking it will make you be better or do better next time.

  • You feel like an imposter or fraud – and are convinced that you will eventually be “found out!”

  • You have outward signs of success or achievement, but it doesn’t make you feel better about yourself.

  • You are a perfectionist.

  • You use harsh, criticizing, or even cruel language when you talk about yourself.

  • You feel shame for being who you are.

  • You have a hard time saying no, setting limits, and advocating for yourself.

  • You feel that if you are true to yourself, others will not accept you or want to be with you.

  • You constantly feel that you are fighting a battle with yourself — one that you ultimately lose.

I help self-critical, anxious, high achieving, perfectionistic, people pleasers

Hi there….

I’m Dr. Kasey Serdar. I started doing this work in part because I know how painful it can be to feel you are not “enough.” You feel like you always fall short of your expectations of yourself. You have a harsh inner critic that will not let up and it is exhausting. You may have outward signs of success, but you are still never satisfied with yourself. You worry about what others think of you and feel like if you say no you will let people down. You are a giver, and so much of your energy goes out to others and you have nothing left for yourself. You feel depleted and you don’t know how to get out of this endless cycle with yourself.

I can help you change your story about yourself. You deserve to have peace and enjoy your life again. I can help you embrace more of who you are so you aren’t always falling short in your own eyes. I would love to help you get out of your own way. My clients appreciate my compassionate yet straightforward approach.

Reach out today to schedule a free 15-minute consultation!

My Approach

I believe that in order to change the way you feel about yourself, you have to gain some understanding of how you got to where you are now. We are all influenced by earlier experiences and relationships in our lives. My approach to this work involved helping you explore experiences that have shaped your sense of who you are. The “lens” through which we see ourselves is often rooted in the relational “templates” we develop growing up. We are impacted by the our experiences with parents, siblings, friends, and the world around us. We are affected by cultural experiences. My therapeutic approach is rooted in relational psychoanalysis, which basically focused on helping clients understand how their unconscious relational “templates” influence the way they see themselves and interact with others in the world. As a therapist, I am compassionate but also straightforward. I won’t just sit back and nod my head and ask you “how does that make you feel?” Clients have voiced that they appreciate my warm yet straightforward approach to the work.

I also utilize aspects of other approaches (Internal Family Systems, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) in my work as they are appropriate for the needs of each client.


  • Self-Worth/Self-Criticism

  • Perfectionism

  • Eating Disordered Behavior & Body Image

  • Trauma/PTSD

  • Women’s Issues

  • LGBTQ+ Concerns

  • Gender Affirming Care

  • Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy



Professional Consultation

Teletherapy - Serving clients in Oregon and Maryland

“You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness.”

— Brene Brown


10 Tips to Help You Cope with a Harsh Inner Critic

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What is Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy? A Focus on Relational Psychoanalysis

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The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

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Steps to Improve Your Relationship with Your Body

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